AMETEK STC - JOFRA, Crystal, and M&G
At AMETEK STC, we believe the best way to support your customers is to listen to their feedback and then act. This process has led us to create numerous industry-first features that provide real solutions to your everyday issues. Sometimes this is in the form of a brand new product, and other times it's in an update to an already successful product. And many of these updates are free!
We announce these updates, along with tips and tricks on working smarter with your pressure and temperature calibration products. Our newsletters include product announcements, product updates, application notes, case stories, white papers, and even industry-focused mailings. If you're an existing customer, it's the best way to learn of features and updates, and if you're are still deciding, let us share our tips with you and alert you on new products or features you have been waiting for.
And don't worry, we won't overwhelm your inbox. We send a maximum of one email per month. These emails contain multiple topics, such as:
• Knowledge Sharing - An explanation of "of reading" vs. "of scale"
• White Papers - How JOFRA temperature calibrators help with safe COVID-19 vaccine distribution
• Application Notes - Easy pressure safety valve testing
• New Product Announcements - New intrinsically safe pressure calibrator
• Product Updates - New connection wizard in the ASC-400 calibrator
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